
We are committed to protecting the environment and minimizing our environmental impact across all of our operational practices, products, and services.

Zindhu Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.

Environmental Policy

Zindhu Group of Companies has committed to environmental protection and sustainability. The company recognizes that its operations impact the environment and has taken steps to minimize its environmental impact across all of its practices, products, and services. In doing so, the company ensures compliance with all relevant local and international environmental regulations and requirements.

The company’s top management understands the importance of protecting the environment and has incorporated environmental considerations into the core aspects of its business context. The company’s policies, procedures, and practices reflect this commitment to environmental protection. The company aims to influence all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and partners, to prioritise sustainability and environmental responsibility.

By adopting an internal culture that values sustainability and environmental protection, Zindhu Group of Companies aims to set an example for others to follow. The company believes that protecting the environment is a moral obligation and makes good business sense. By promoting environmental sustainability, the company hopes to create a more sustainable future for all.

As a Business Conglomarate

We are committed to

Encouraging and enhancing biodiversity and ecology.

Encouraging environmental protection among stakeholders/partners.

Preventing pollution, reducing waste and misuse of resources.

Considering the global impact of our activities together with our stakeholders.

Developing the competencies of our staff to carry out tasks in an environmentally responsible manner.

Ensuring the continuous environmental improvement strategy remains a core value of our business strategy.

© Zindhu Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.


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